Sunday, November 21, 2010

How Do Penis And Virgia Work

High Fantasy Book presentation

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Editorial Slaughterhouse presented on Friday November 26 at 20 h. Picture books
High Fantasy Dani Sanchez and Folk Tales Sergio of Quinces.

There will be music, banners, confetti and crackers with various forms.
You can not miss! We wait. Slaughterhouse

C / Denia 22 under
46006 Valencia. **********************************************

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High Fantasy balancing exercises are ten where a succession
numbered scenes evoke the game,
random adventures and chance encounters. Metaphors
(patáforas) that so clearly offered in your
complex simplicity. The imagination of the world from
to the reality of it, the fantasy of the perfectly
improbable: a cart pulled by a fish, an elephant whose tusks are
tightrope walker the legs of a college
, globe rocking a preceding
balloon in tension, a couple spins its
imagination, a frog observing a lunar landscape ... This is what
High Fantasy, and that what you see.
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