One of the characteristics of Progressive Rock in Italy, which often had a politically charged (The main examples are Area or Stormy Six) oriented Marxist positions, and Rocky's FILJ not going to be an exception. issues such as "L'Ultima Spiaggia" refers to the famous motto of the French May ("under the pavement, the beach"). "Il Soldato" is the anti-war statement of rigor and "Martino", the prescient reckoning with imperfect justice turn Adriano Sofri knew (former leader of Lotta Continua unfairly imprisoned on a charge and without sufficient evidence) hostage and warning of an era. However you can find a more detailed analysis on the excellent blog exonerating miracles.
The group consists only of four musicians, and I say only, because in his music but involved multiple instruments. In this regard recall Gentle Giant, because here too we find multi-instrumentalist, but only the comparison ends here, as Rocky's FILJ music is more jazz oriented, while not exactly a group of Jazz Rock. The group is led by Rocky Rossi, manager of the voices and alto and baritone saxophones, clarinet. The Rossi's singing is very aggressive and heartbreaking, mostly trying to impregnate their issues in a dramatic high load. Unfortunately he died in a car accident in 1985. The rest of the group is made up Grablovitz Roby (Guitar, flute), Luigi Ventura (bass, trombone) and Rubino Colasanto (drums, bass)
Let's see each of the topics covered:
L'ultima Spiaggia. The disc so shocking: a subject that constantly happen aggressive passages featuring the saxophone and guitar to other quieter dominated by the flute and bass. In total almost 14 minutes of pure madness and debauchery, that somehow remind me 21st Century Schizoid Man King Crimson .
Il Soldato. After a spectacular start, we now offer the opposite side, a quiet track, with a magnificent bass. The issue as has previously induique na antiwar theme.
E Theme instrumental in demonstrating the more jazzy side.
Io Robot!. Another of the gems disk. The track begins in a very classical, with the bass and flute, and gradually becoming more aggressive and go jazzzero, and taking more prominence, the saxophone and guitar. A real delight!
Martino. The disc closes with a subject that shows which is the essence of the group: jazzy arrangements masterful compositions, but without neglecting some symphonic touches, and with Rossi singing so torn, infusing a touch paranoid to their songs. The final coda of the subject is just great!
In short an excellent album that I recommend to all lovers of good music: if you ever find in stores do not buy it because ddeis in very difficult to achieve. This re-released by BMG, part of the series that brought in 2003 dedicated to the Italian progressive rock in imitation of the vinyl format.
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